@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001901, author = {Schwemmer, Patrick and SCHWEMMER, Patrick}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {37}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Portuguese Jesuit Manoel Barreto’s 1591 Miscellany in the Vatican Library is a 382-folio manuscript of Japanese gospel readings, saints’ lives, and other narrative genres commonly found in a Catholic missal. Although its existence has been a point of pride for Christian sectarians and its text a gold mine for linguists, it has never been read closely as literature――even though, as I argue, it is the template for a set of printed chapbooks which functioned as performance notes for masses, sermons, and debates by missionaries across the country. My paper shows how its first text, a miracle story set in Japan, recruits a Christian daimyō and his subjects as actors in a missionary power-play. After setting the stage on Christmas Day 1589 using both Gregorian and Japanese calendars, the story proceeds in Japanese highly imitative of the kōwaka ballads which the Jesuits were reading for language study. Peasants in the domain of Arima Harunobu split firewood and discover a cross inside. The object passes from village elders to the Jesuits, who present it to Harunobu. At first the daimyō “plays along half-heartedly,” but then we read that, as a matter of fact, the unworthy servant Harunobu had had a dream two months prior in which an angel scolded him for his lack of obedience to his Jesuit mentors and promised to show him “the sign of JESUS.” Now Harunobu believes. Next comes a scientific breakdown of the cross’s physical characteristics and its discoverers’ social station, signed by none other than “the Governor of Japan and Greater Tang, Padre Viceprovincial Gaspar Coelho”――the famously-abrasive Jesuit whose militancy moved Hideyoshi to issue the first expulsion edict. This story inverts the domestic class hierarchy in order to install the Jesuits at the top of an international order of knowledge.}, pages = {47--63}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 有馬晴信のキリシタン語り物 『日本に奇跡的に現れた十字架の事』 ――イエズス会日本文学運動の研究序説――}, year = {2014}, yomi = {シュウェマー, パトリック} }