@techreport{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001968, author = {原, 正一郎 and 柴山, 守 and 安永, 尚志 and 相田, 満}, issue = {01}, month = {Mar, }, note = {00249921, 国文学研究資料館, Various research materials are collected in humanities research institutes and each institute organizes their holding materials as catalogue/archival databases and opens them to the public. However, due to the differences of the research fields, the development times, and the media, some problems are pointed out i.e., (1) difficult to manipulate data as each database has different retrieval method, (2) difficult to collect all records as some similar data are stored on different databases, and (3) difficult to find the research-papers on related materials. To solve these problems, we started developing the Resource Sharing Systems. The Resource Sharing Systems will unify distributed databases not only within an institute but also with outside the institute in the protocol levels using Dublin Core meta data ( DC meta data in the following ) and Z39.50. The National institute of Japanese literature has integrated some databases such as catalogue databases, the image database, and the research thesis database, the historical materials' database, and OPAC by using the Data Sharing Systems. The features of the systems are that (1) existent databases do not need to be modified, (2) seamless information retrieval is realized only by employing a DC meta database and a Z39.50 gateway. We launch the new project to realize the inter-institutional database unification by using this Resource Sharing Mechanism by the collaboration with institutes participating in the Graduate University for Advanced Studies., pdf, 5300082}, title = {メタデータによるデータベースの機関間連携の実現 ――人文科学データ共有のための標準化――}, year = {2004, 2004}, yomi = {ハラ, ショウイチロウ and シバヤマ, マモル and ヤスナガ, ヒサシ and アイダ, ミツル} }