@techreport{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001985, author = {原, 正一郎 and 相田, 満 and 入口, 敦志 and 江戸, 英雄 and 五島, 敏芳 and 山田, 直子 and 相田, 満}, issue = {03}, month = {Mar, }, note = {00249921, 国文学研究資料館, The Resources Sharing System has been developed to share various humanities information among databases. The peculiarity of the Resources Sharing System is its promotion of standardization by introducing Dublin Core metadata and Z39.50 to overcome heterogeneities of record structure and retrieval procedure among databases. Thus, the mapping between original database record fields and Dublin Core metadata record fields is crucial to retrieval accuracy of Resources Sharing System. In this paper, records of the Catalog Data of Research Papers on Japanese Classical Literature were converted into Dublin Core metadata, and the validity, problems and their solutions on Dublin Core and its conversion procedure are discussed., pdf, 5300082}, title = {データベース共有におけるデータマッピングの事例的研究}, year = {2006, 2006}, yomi = {ハラ, ショウイチロウ and アイダ, ミツル and イリグチ, アツシ and エド, ヒデオ and ゴトウ, ハルヨシ and ヤマダ, ナオコ and アイダ, ミツル} }