@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002001, author = {マッキノン, リチャード and McKINNON, Richard N}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {1}, month = {Feb}, note = {pdf, It is essential for the critic to comprehend Kyōgen through performance as well as the texts. The essence of Kyōgen cannot be grasped merely by examining the texts nor by understanding the traditions of each school, since the texts of kyōgen are transformed by the players' actions which metamorphose the world. For example, the player of “Tsuri Gitsune” must communicate a feeling of crises which modern men also share, crises too complex to express only by words.}, pages = {9--15}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {特別講演 狂言と現代との接点}, year = {1978}, yomi = {マッキノン, リチャード} }