@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002033, author = {葉, 寄民 and YEH, ChiMin}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {4}, month = {Feb}, note = {pdf, The Japanese Poetic Revolution began in 1882 with Toyama, Inoue, Yatabe i. e. Shintaishishō. In China, however, the Revolution began in the year 1917 with Dr. Hu Shi's Literary Revolution Discusion “Xin Qingnian”( Volume Ⅱ number 5 . ) The following year (1918) a different eight Conversation Poems were written. We cannot deny the importance of modernization of the historical process when we consider Japanese and Chinese literature. We must especially understand the historical feudal influence these two factors are the common points of “Shintaishishō”and “The Literary Revolution Suggestion. As we know, the basis of this common point is that they identify with Western influence and consider the human spirit and society of the pre-modernization of Japan and China. The Japanese literary critic Mr. Takeuchi Yoshimi has stated that the problem of modern Chinese literature is a problem of modernization of its that his statement can also be applied to Japanese modern literature . In the manusript, my thesis maintains that inorder to discuss Japanese and Chinese modern Poetic Literature, it is Required to understand the source of this movement. This is to be found from the comparitive influence that European and American literary achievements have had on modern Japanese and Chinese authors.}, pages = {51--67}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 日中両国における近代史革命 ―「新体詩抄」と「白話詩運動」の比較―}, year = {1981}, yomi = {イエ, ジミン} }