@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002035, author = {翁, 蘇〓卿 and WUNG, Su Chien Ching}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {4}, month = {Feb}, note = {pdf, I have studied Mr. Kamo Chōmei’s Hōjōki for years and published a book and two papers between 1978 and 1979. This study provides me some ideas about the characteristics of the Japanese Medieval literature. During studying the situation of the tenth century, a thousand years ago, we find a fact: The Chinese culture much influence upon the literature of Japanese Medieval Age. Nevertheless, there were ravages of war in T'ang Dynasty, so many products of Chinese culture were buried for many years. In early Summer of 1899, a total of twenty thousand books were found in Ch’ien Fo Cave in Tun Huang. Because of this discovery, many problems concerning Chinese literary history can be solved. I have always thought that the publications of the socalled “Setsuwa- bungaku” in Japanese Medieval Age have some relationships with the “Buddhist literature“ of the Continental literature. Now when I read . more about “Buddhist classics”, which have been founded in Tun Huang and have been highly regarded by the academic circle, my thought becomes more stronger. The reason why I work for this paper is that I find the Ryōjin-hishō seems to have any trace of the folklore literature and Kōshō-bungaku. In Summer, 1980, I took a chance to pay a visit to the Stanford University and the Princeton University of the United States to wade into some books about Henbun. Therefore, I have more confidence in my opinion to deliver this paper.}, pages = {90--108}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 梁塵秘抄と変文の関係についての一考察}, year = {1981}, yomi = {オン, ソチェンチン} }