@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002056, author = {李, 栄九 and LEE, Younggu}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {6}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, This thesis is an explication of mono (thing) and time as they appear in the pōetry of Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694). The concept of time is fundamental to Bashō's pōetry, but because Bashō was a pōet and not a philosopher, we can learn of his conception of time only as it is expressed in his pōetry, or in the fragmentary records of his disciples. The speaker's interpretation is guided by these sources. Bashō perceives "being "in relation to time. The "being" of a thing discloses itself only in the presence of time. Time is being. "Being" means remaining in the present, and time is the place of "being". This interpretation of time in Basha's pōetry arises out of the concepts of sei to dō (quietness and movement) fueki-ryukō (immutability and change) and mujō (mutability). Sei to dō can be compared to fueki-ryūkō. Unchangeable sei also reveals itself as changeable dō. And fueki in reality exists in ryūkō. If time, that is "ryūkō", dōes not exist, the "being" of a thing conceals itself and cannot encounter the pōet. Time allows "being" to disclose itself to the pōet. "Being" reveals itself only according to time, from moment to moment. Moment by moment, only "being "confronts the pōet. When Bashō said that a pōet should remain at "the moment", he was refering to the present. These ideas underlie Bashō's mujokan, or concept of mutability.}, pages = {85--95}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {招待発表(1) 芭蕉俳諧の時間性}, year = {1983}, yomi = {リー, ヨング} }