@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002063, author = {Melanowicz, Mikolaj and MELANOWICZ, Mikolaj}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {6}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, The speaker focuses on the literature of the 1970s and the so-called inward-looking generation which represents that decade. With reference to characters of novels from this period he compiles a portrait of the character-type which epitomizes this generation. (1) The Furui Yoshikichi's hero: ―living in an "extraordinary mundanity. " The hero's sense of time and space ―the newly settled frontier region as a special kind of space. ―the confluence of traditional and modern cultures. Relations between the sexes ―the highly-strung, abnormal woman, the man lacking in ambition. (2) Furuyama Komao's diminutive protagonist ―the ordinariness of everyday life and the illusion of the past in Jimen o hau ningen (The human who crawls on the ground). My research on the works of Furui and Furuyama was motivated by my interest in "the hero" in Japanese literature. This is an interest I have been pursuing for the past ten years, and about which I have wrritten several theses, for example, "The hero in the pōetry of Hagiwara Sakutaro", "The hero in the novels of Tanizaki Junichirō," and "Man as portrayed in the novels of Kaikō Ken." From readings of Various works by a particular author, one gains an impression of an over-all character type (which may differ to some extent from novel to novel). The specific characteristics of various characters can be collated and, from these, qualities of human character can be extracted, so that various individual characters are reduced to a composite, abstract type. This procedure may be queried, but as time today is limited, I will present only a summary of my thesis, and only the results of my analyses will be explained in any detail. In other words, my remarks will be limited to an explication of what I consider to be the most salient aspects of the Furui Yoshikichi and Furuyama Komao herose.}, pages = {179--190}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {招待発表(2) 古井由吉・古山高麗雄の小説の主人公}, year = {1983}, yomi = {メラノビッチ, ニコラス} }