@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002211, author = {呉, 佩珍 and WU, Pie-chen}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {18}, month = {Oct}, note = {pdf, KAFU's literary work was influenced by Chinese literature in many ways. The relationship between KAFU and Chinese literature has been pointed out before, nevertheless, how concretely Chinese literature influenced KAFU's works has still not been motioned. Thus, in this presentation I will attempt to investigate and clarify the various influences THE DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER had on KAFU and his works, especially his famous novel-BOKUTOU KITAN. The connection KAFU had with THE DREAM came from his father, KAGEN, who was one of the KANSHI poets of the MEIJI period. The Chinese-style poetry -SHO SHO- and so on of KAGEN's KANSHI works took THE DREAM as their source material. MORI KAINAN'S criticism of KAGEN'S poetry that is concerned with THE DREAM is especially worth reading to illustrate the connection. The fact that KAFU was concerned with THE DREAM can be seen in references to the novel in his diary, DANCHOTEI NICHIJHO and in other literary works. In this diary THE DREAM is mentioned four times. From these entries we can see that KAFU had read the novel at least four times. As regards his other works, the most obvious case is the poetry quoted from the 45th chapter of THE DREAM. The reason why KAFU was so attracted to the poetry was the grief and autumnal mood expressed within. This poem, later translated into Japanese, is contained in the PENKIKAN GINSO. KAFU'S DANCHOTEI diary gives us an indication of the difficulties that the composition posed to him. As an avid reader of THE DREAM, it's interesting and attractive to see how Japanese authors read THE DREAM and how it influenced their works.}, pages = {69--90}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 永井荷風と『紅楼夢』}, year = {1995}, yomi = {ゴ, ハイチン} }