@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002264, author = {Ermakova, Lioudmila and ERMAKOVA, Lioudmila}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {20}, month = {Oct}, note = {pdf, This paper reflects some suggestions and thoughts that came to the author's mind during the translation of "Kojiki" and "Nihon Shoki". Recently, the misteries of these two writings has become an object of new attention in the Japanese scientific circles. The motives for compiling the two books, the difference between them, their individual characteristics are interpreted by the Japanese scholars in different ways, but the opinion shared by majority of them is that "Kojiki" was addressed to the Japanese auditory and established sacredness and priority of the ruling clan. "Nihon Shoki" is believed to have been written in order to proclaim the power and authority of the newly established Japanese state and to prove its high cultural and political level, addressing, in the first place, the continental governments of China and Corea. Accepting this attitude as a whole, the author, comparing the two texts, has come to the conclusion that "Nihon Shoki" had been written with much more liberty and freedom, that the aims of its compilers, in comparison with "Kojiki", seem to be not so strict and one-ideaed and the text itself is evidently much broader and richer. To author's opinion, it can be said that to some extent "Nihon Shoki" served as some verbal cultural experiment, a kind of textual representation of the complicated cultural processes which took place in the Nara period. By this we mean that one of the fundamental directions and the aims of the compilers was, probably, in the deed of assimilating the new world, in trying to make a whole of the universe, in which a lot of trends and events were taking place simultaneously that is, the construction of the state, shaping of the existing cultes and creating of the new ones, adoption of the continental cultural paradigms, collecting and arranging local beliefs and traditions, incessant wars and coup d'etats, spreading of the rice-cultivation and new kinds of craftsmanship etc. The world has begun to move and to change, opening the active period of form-creativity. In according with this vision of "Nihon Shoki" author thinks it possible to consider it, in addition to the already existing kinds of approach to the text, from one more angle that is, to see it as a result of probing creativity, including cosmology and cosmography, early steps of philosophy of history, first outlines of poetics and linguistical analysis, the early forms of the literary genres, such as uta-mondo, uta-monogatari kashu, various types of narratives and so on.}, pages = {53--61}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 『日本書紀』と古代日本文学}, year = {1997}, yomi = {エルマコワ, リユドミラ} }