@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002637, author = {斉藤, 愛 and SAITÔ, Ai}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {24}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, The view of race is the conceptualization of eyes to a body different from his own. In Japan, the oldest map of human race of the world is one attached to the world map of Nanban sekaizu byôbu. It was produced by the first contact with European culture, and the interests in the different races and the world were kept by creating blockprinted Bankoku Jimbutsu-zu pictures or books, for example, Bankoku Jimbutsu-zu, even during the Edo era when people had the very limited information because of Japan's policy of isolation. And, apart from European culture, the form of knowledge originated from Shanhai-jing of China bore fruit of encyclopedias such as Wakan Sansai Zue (Encyclopedia of Japan and China). What greatly changed the genealogy was a series of political changes starting with the arrival of American ships in the late period of the feudal government. In the meantime the demand for international information burst and enlightening texts on foreign countries, the world maps and the pictorial books of the race in the world were published along with the changes above. The opening of a port in Yokohama in this situation and setting the residential area attracted incredible attention, and Yokohama ukiyo-e in which foreigners were drawn became a widespread fad. Meiji government was established afterward and Japan's modern times which followed Western culture had begun. The first opportunity to lead the era was the campaign for enlightenment by Fukuzawa Yukichi and others. The enlightening books released in succession made the far more precise knowledge about the world's civilization, region and race than one in the previous age popular and the gap between them which is the concept of cultural hierarchy also became well known. Because of this the outlook on the world was rearranged to be a vertical ladder of evolution with western culture on top, Asia at middle, Africa at bottom and Japan was directed to desperately climb up the ladder checking on its position all the time. I would like to follow the changes continuously happened until the birth of modern Japanese view of the race referring to Nanban sekaizu byôbu, Yokohama ukiyo-e, enlightening books in Meiji and the pictures in Kanagaki Robun's book.}, pages = {105--122}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 人物画の世界 異人種への視線 ―近代日本の人種観の誕生まで―}, year = {2001}, yomi = {サイトウ, アイ} }