@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002668, author = {権, 丁熙 and KWON, Jung Hee}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {26}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Tokutomi Roka's “Hototogisu―A Novel”, following its run in the Kokumin Shinbun (November, Meiji 31 to May, Meiji 32), was transformed into numerous “New Theater” plays, as well as “New Household Poems―Song of the Hototogisu”, “Hototogisu―A Play”, “Pictures from Hototogisu”, and other “translations”, following a broad definition, and additionally “The Hototogisu Later -A Novel” (Anonymous, March, Meiji 41 ), “Takeo Left Behind―A Novel” (Shuuyousei, May, Meiji 44) and other “pulp publications” came into vogue, showing that the “spread” of “Hototogisu” at the time took on a very “unique form”. What made such a “unique form of circulation” possible? As part of an effort to examine the creation of the framework by which “Hototogisu” was taken in by so many, this presentation will attempt to look at the process by which Tokutomi Roka’s “Hototogisu―A Novel” (January, Meiji 33, published by Minyu-sha) was transformed into “New Household Poems―Song of the Hototogisu” (July, Meiji 38) by Mizoguchi Hakuyou. Mizoguchi Hakuyou, in the foreword to “New Home Poems―Song of the Hototogisu”, wrote that he sought “to translate Roka’s Hototogisu into new-form poetry・・・ to provide poems for average people to recall and recite in their homes”. Although at the time of its release “Hototogisu―A Novel” did not carry the label “household novel”, it was gradually through this process drawn into this category. With this in mind, I would like to look at the “differences” and “repetitions” displayed between the original work and the “translation”. In short, through looking at what from the original was removed and added, what themes were broadened or changed, and what major scenes in the original were re-imagined I wish to analyze what “differences” and “repetitions” exist. Also, in “Procedures for New Form Poetry” (Tsuuzoku Sakubun Zensho, June, Meiji 41, Hakubunkan), Kawai Suimei explains in regards to the “Creativity of Epic Poetry” that “although few examples exist, Mizoguchi Hakuyou's “New Poetry Genji Monogatari” and the like are attempts to translate famous prose, novels, and fiction into poetry” and points out that “creation of an epic poem is a problem of how things take their shape”. This presentation will use Kawai Suimei's “epic poem” problem as a guide to examining how “New Household Poems” take their shape”. Through this analysis, I will confirm the essence of the work as “poems for average people to recall and recite in their homes”, and try to bring out a portion of what at the time was considered to be the “household”, “average”, and “new form poetry”.}, pages = {87--102}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 「不如帰」の「翻訳」 ―『小説 不如帰』から『家庭新詩 不如帰の歌』へ―}, year = {2003}, yomi = {クォン, ジュンヒ} }