@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002729, author = {李, 偉 and LI, Wei}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {30}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, In Japan over several centuries, landscapes have been seen through aesthetic illustrations brought over from China. Views like the Shoushou Hakkei, from central China, were seen in views of Lake Biwa or the sea near Edo. From mysticism to famous places in China, by embodying these illustrations in gardens, representations of these images are made material. At the base is a deep importance placed on Chinese philosophy. This presentation will use the view of Seiko, a representative example of Chinese landscapes, as a case study to consider what influence the expression of Chinese landscapes had on Edo-period gardens. First, the development of the Seiko landscape and related Chinese literature will be used to establish the views held in China on the Seiko landscape. The export of works on Chinese landscapes to Japan, particularly Chinese poetry that expressed the aesthetic and critical evaluations of landscapes, had a great influence on Japan. How these ideas were received in Japan will be looked at through examining their expression in Edo period gardens. By following the actual expression and historical development of Seiko landscapes in Daimyo gardens, we will see how the image of Seiko changed in Japanese gardens. By imagining scenes in China never seen but through literature, the scenes are built up into famous locales, and expressed in Daimyo gardens. Using records and diaries from the households of the Shougun and Daimyos, looking at how literature regarding Chinese landscapes were interpreted or misinterpreted, we will examine how the intellectuals and the gardening specialists of Japan understood the culture of Chinese landscapes. Also, through garden and travel diaries, we will examine how the Chinese landscape, particularly that of Seiko, was viewed, and seek to bring to light its affect on Japanese gardening. By looking at the process by which the Seiko landscape was received in Japan, it will be possible to look at how Chinese-style landscapes were expressed in Japanese gardening, and how they were adapted to match the environment in Japan. In addition, it is hoped that the influence of Chinese landscapes on Japanese gardening will also be revealed.}, pages = {45--68}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 江戸時代庭園における西湖景観の表象と表現 ―漢詩文史料の考察を通して―}, year = {2007}, yomi = {リ, ウェイ} }