@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002764, author = {岡田, リチャード 英樹 and OKADA, RICHARD Hideki}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {32}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, What is the problem facing humanity today? Before answering that question, I feel that we have to alter the question itself. The reason is that the question conceals a valorization of “humanity.” If we are to include all living things on our planet, the subject in this case must be “the planet” rather than “humanity.” When we rephrase the question to what is the problem facing the planet today, most would no doubt think of “global warming” or similar issues. The problem I face, then, in the present lecture, is how to establish the connections between the problems concerning the planet and “monogatari.” In other words, how can we think about the connections between “planetary issues” and “monogatari” or, more broadly, “ecology” and “monogatari.” When addressing such topics, I have recently been emphasizing the terms “interconnectedness” and “transversal.” The terms refer to the fact that all things are, from the very beginning, interconnected in different ways and also that when we study one topic we need to be aware of its relation to other levels or areas of thinking. On the matter of different levels of thinking, the anthropologist Gregory Bateson has this to say: “There is an ecology of bad ideas just as there is an ecology of weeds.” The remark interconnects the areas of botany and philosophy, but similar connections can be made between, say, “monogatari literature” and “environmental studies.” Normally, when we deal with a topic or issue, we are taught to set aside or expunge those factors that are considered peripheral. That way of proceeding, I would argue, goes against the very mandates of ecological thinking. In the present lecture, I would like to consider the interconnectedness of monogatari, with an emphasis on The Tale of Genji.}, pages = {1--13}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {講演 『地球/惑星文学としての物語の可能性と行方』}, year = {2009}, yomi = {オカダ, リチャード ヒデキ} }