@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002775, author = {金, 秀美 and KIM, Soomi}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {32}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, In the Tale of Genji, there are only few examples of tools for locking; ‘Jou’ (1), ‘Kakegane’ (3), ‘Sasugane’ (1), ‘Kagi’ (2). In addition, there are also many examples which do not mention a concrete name, but whose action was only indicated by verbs like ‘sasu’ or ‘katameru’. Unfortunately, this word ‘sasu’ has been interpreted in both ‘Jou’ and ‘Kakegane’ by annotations, without being conscious of their accurate differences. However, considering these examples are used in the scene describing the delicate position of characters, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the interpretation and effect of tools for locking. In this presentation, focusing on the interpretation of those tools which has been hardly considered as an important problem, I would like to examine that those are not only the ones for mere opening and shutting, but are also the device which relate closely with the position of characters and the space expression. First, after I check the names and types of those tools which have appeared in the ancient dictionaries such as Wamyôshô and Ruijûmyôgishô,and examine those examples from tales in the Heian period, I verify that ‘Jou’ and ‘Kakegane’ have different role and create different space expression in Heian-tales. Furthermore, by using the examples in the Tale of Genji, I consider the difference between the space expression which ‘Jou’ creates and that of ‘Kakegane’, and reflect these results in the interpretation of the word ‘sasu’ and the comprehension of the text. Thus, it can be said that this problem of tools for locking is not limited to a mere understanding of those purpose as a tool, but also synchronizes with the position of the characters or with the plot. They may be a device that produces a variable space in tales. I hope that this research, which is to restore an element of the space in the ancient tales by the modern people like us, connects to comprehending the world of the Tale of Genji more correctly.}, pages = {161--172}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 『源氏物語』の戸締まり具の解釈 ―空間表現への視座から―}, year = {2009}, yomi = {キム, スーミ} }