@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002911, author = {足立, 匡敏 and ADACHI, Masatoshi}, book = {国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {34}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Yosano Akiko published “Heiancho Joryu Nikki” from Hibonkaku as the ninth of her series of Newly Translated Japanese Literatures. Included are “Kagero Nikki”, “Murasaki-shikibu Nikki” and “Izumi Shikibu Nikki,” two of the latter are remakes from her “Shinyaku” (1916), but “Kagero Nikki” was newly translated in the summer of 1937. This 112-page manuscript in her original handwriting is stored in Yosano Akiko Museum in Sakai City Cultural Hall. Since most of it seems to be written in a scribbled writing and the text is slightly different from the published one, it is considered as a draft before the good copy. Several revisions are seen in the manuscript. Akiko seems to have translated the writer’s husband Fujiwara-no-Kaneie into “that man,” but she changed it to “he” in some sentences in order to sound slightly indifferent. These kinds of revisions can be important clues to knowing how Akiko worked on her translation. Moreover, some parts of translation that were pointed to be missing (in “Kagero Nikki translated by Yosano Akiko” noted by Y. Imanishi, 1996), are found in this manuscript. Akiko seems to have decided to get rid of some parts of the translation when making her good copy. In this presentation I am going to examine this manuscript and the Waka (poems) quoted in original. I will discuss the process of how they take form as a book, and what Akiko was thinking when she did her translation. She translated in almost the same period of time she translated “Shin-Shin Yaku Genji monogatari,” which is her third translation of “The Tale of Genji”. I am going to examine the manuscript furthermore by comparing with the original manuscript of “Shin-Shin Yaku Genji monogatari”.}, pages = {195--208}, publisher = {国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 与謝野晶子訳『蜻蛉日記』の成立 ―堺市蔵・自筆原稿の考察を中心に―}, year = {2011}, yomi = {アダチ, マサトシ} }