@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003598, author = {大橋, 幸泰 and ŌHASHI, yukihiro}, issue = {14}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇, The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, マレガ文書は、藩政史料の中の大量の類族関係書類によって構成されていることが大きな特徴の一つである。これにより、江戸時代を通じて、類族が徹底的に管理されていた様子を確認できる。出生・死亡・結婚・養子縁組・離婚・離縁・転居・剃髪・出奔にいたるまで、類族とされた人々は人生の節目に必ず村役人・藩役人による承認を受けた。 ただし、このことを確認するだけでは、類族は厳しく管理されていたという評価で終わる。実は非類族も厳重に管理されていたことを見落とすわけにいかない。類族への厳重な管理を貫徹するためには、誰が類族で誰が非類族かを見極めなければならなかったから、類族改制度とは非類族を含めたすべての人々の管理システムであった。 本稿では、藩政史料(マレガ文書)と地方史料(大分県立先哲史料館蔵池見家文書)を組み合わせて、類族が単に管理されていたということで終わらせるのではなく、類族を取り巻く村社会の状況を検討した。 その結果、次の二点を指摘した。第一は類族というカテゴリーも、人々が保持する多数の属性の内の一つであったということ、第二は半檀家を当然とする秩序が貫徹していたことである。総じて、類族の日常生活が非類族のそれとまったく異なったものであったとはいえない。ただし、治者による類族の管理は厳密であったことも確かである。この状態を表す語として何が適切かを考えることが、今後の課題である。 One salient feature of the Mario Meraga Collection is that is contains a large number of documents issued by domain (han) offices dealing with the regulation of an enormous number of Christian descendants (ruizoku). As a result, these same documents give as a clear picture as to the meticulously systematic manner in which such individuals were regulated by the local authorities. Descendants of Christians were required to submit written documentation to village and domain officers on a number of occasions throughout life: births, deaths, marriages, adoptions, discovers, separations, changes of address, taking the tonsure, and reporting of absconders—all of these events required official documentation. All this tells us, however, is that the local government strove to strictly regulate such individuals. The reality is, even those people who were not labelled as descendants of Christians were subject to strict regulation, as well. In order for the domain officers to effectively regulate descendants of Christians, it was first necessary to distinguish such descendants from non-descendants. In short, we must appreciate the fact that regulations of Christian descendants meant, in reality, regulation of the entire community. This article seeks to elucidate not only the manner in which descendants of Christians were regulated, but, more broadly, those social circumstances surrounding the regulation of such individuals. To this end, I have relied on both the Mario Marega Collection, which deals primarily with domain governance, as well as the Ikemi Family Archive, held in the Ōita Prefecture Ancient Sages Historical Archives, which contains documents dealing with local governance on a larger scale. I have been able, consequently, to draw the following two conclusions: First, the category of Christian descendant was not the sole defining label of an individual, but one among many different labels applied simultaneously to any one individual. Second, the system of one family having some members belonging to one Buddhist temple and some to another (handanka) was wide-spread during that time. In conclusion, the lives of Christian descendants was not so dramatically different from the lives of their non-descendants neighbors. However, it remains the fact that descendants of Christians were strictly regulated by the governing body. It may be necessary, in future research, to coin some term that is capable of capturing the lived circumstances of these people.}, pages = {167--184}, title = {《特集・マレガ文書の魅力を探る ―マレガ神父・キリシタン統制・村社会―》 キリシタン類族改制度と村社会 ―臼杵藩の場合―}, volume = {49}, year = {2018}, yomi = {オオハシ, ユキヒロ} }