@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000360, author = {伊井, 春樹 and II, Haruki}, issue = {05}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 山岸徳平博士蔵の「物語古写本」(黒川本)と題する中世擬古物語を翻刻するとともに、初めに年立・系図を付した。今のところ他に類本を見ないため、仮に内容から「栗栖野(くるすの)物語」と称することにした。 Giko monogatari (archaistic fiction, referring specially to fictional writing during the Kamakura and the Muromachi periods in imitation of the Heian tales) in the Middle Ages entitled “Monogatari Koshahon” (物語古写本)(Kurokawabon) owned by Dr. Yamagishi Tokuhei was reprinted and a chronological table, a genealogy were referred in the beginning. It will be named “Kurusuno Monogatari” tentatively from contents because there was no similar book so far.}, pages = {199--264}, title = {山岸文庫本栗栖野物語(仮称) ―解説と翻刻―}, year = {1979}, yomi = {イイ, ハルキ} }