@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003606, author = {金子, 馨 and KANEKO, Kaoru}, issue = {44}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇, The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature ,Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 国文学研究資料館田藩文庫に所蔵される『世尊寺殿口伝手習』(一五 ― 七一六)を翻刻・紹介する。本書の外題には「世尊寺殿口傳」と記されるが、内容は『手習口伝』の増補版である。享和元年(一八〇一)に橋本経亮が書写した『手習口伝』(一五 ― 七一八)も伝来しており、その内容と比較すると、『世尊寺殿口伝』は『手習口伝』に「潅頂七箇条」などを増補している様子が伺える。冒頭に記される内容により高野大師(空海)による「魚養口伝」なるものが藤原教長の目を経て世尊寺家に伝来し、世尊寺十六代・世尊寺行高が書写した入木道伝書と思しい。朝野魚養の口伝か否かは定かではないが、資料を一瞥すると、藤原教長の口伝『才葉抄』に含まれる項目が散見される。いずれにしても、世尊寺流が断絶する頃の伝授の様子が垣間見られる資料であり、世尊寺家や持明院家の伝授内容の享受の様相を考察する上で看過できない資料である。 「日本古典籍総合目録データベース」を一瞥するかぎり、田藩文庫以外には所蔵が確認できず、現状において貴重な資料といえる。これまで当該資料に関する言及、もしくは研究報告されたものはないため、今後の書論研究に資すると考え、ここに田安徳川家旧蔵本の全文を翻刻・紹介したい。『手習口伝』(一五 ― 七一八)等との異同も示す。 This article provides a summary and reproduction of Sesonjidono kuden tenarai (no. 15-716), a work that belongs to the the Old collection of Tayasu Tokugawa Family (the Denpan Library), currently stored at NIJL. While the title appearing on the cover of this book reads Sesonjidono kuden, in terms of content it is an enlarged version of Tenarai kuden. Fortunately, NIJL also holds a manuscript of Tenarai kuden (no. 15-718) copied by Hashimoto Tsunesuke (1755-1805) in 1801 (Kyōwa 1). Comparing this to the aforementioned Sesonjidono kuden, it can be seen that the latter contains a number of extra sections not found in the former. The history of Sesonjidono kuden may be gleaned from its opening passage: First, a certain document, purportedly authored by Kūkai and entitled Gyoyō kuden, was passed on to the Sesonji family by a high-ranking nobleman of the Heian period named Fujiwara no Norinaga (1109-?). Then, this was later copied by the sixteenth head of the Sesonji family, namely, Yukitaka, in the calligraphic style practiced by his family-the jubokudō style. Whether this Sesonjidono kuden did in fact begin in the form of a work by Kūkai seems unlikely. What is certain, however, from a perusal of the content of this work, is the presence of a number of passages taken directly from Norinaga’s own Saiyōshō, thereby confirming Norinaga’s role in this transmission. Whatever the case, Sesonjidono kuden offers a glimpse into the nature of instruction employed by the Sesonji lineage right around the time that lineage was falling into disuse. This work is a valuable clue into the reception history of instructional content promulgated by the Sesonji and Jimyōin families. According to the Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books, no other manuscript of Sesonjidono kuden currently exists, making the Denpan Library Manuscript exceptionally precious. No previous research has been done in relation to this work, and it is for that reason, in hopes of encouraging a broader interest in this manuscript, that I have seen fit to provide a reproduction and brief summary of its content. I have also indicated any similarities or differences with the above-mentioned Tenarai kuden (no. 15-718).}, pages = {131--156}, title = {国文学研究資料館蔵田安徳川家旧蔵『手習口伝』について}, year = {2018}, yomi = {カネコ, カオル} }