@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003683, author = {シルヴィオ, ヴィータ and VITA, silvio}, issue = {14}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇, The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, マリオ・マレガ神父の研究成果には、キリシタン時代の歴史研究と日本文化研究の二つがある。それは時代の流れに答えたものであり、三つの文脈の中に位置づけることができる。まず一つは、バチカンとの繋がりにおいて、当時の布教論と関係する。あとの二つは日本国内におけるローカルなもので、大分地元社会の郷土研究及び昭和時代のキリシタン研究だが、本論では主として、マレガの時代におけるカトリック教界の布教者像の再構築に焦点を合わせる。彼の活動がサレジオ会内でどのように捉えられたかを考察し、マレガが作り上げた「知」の体系の全体像を整理したい。さらに、1925年のバチカン布教博覧会にみる布教者像に着目しながら、マレガの歴史研究のあり方をその枠組みの中で問い直す。 The research Father Mario Marega carried out during his long stay in Japan roughly cover the two main fields of the history of Early Christianity and of Japanese culture. These well responded to the needs of his time, and can be read within the frame of at least three contexts. First, from the point of view of Marega's connection to the Holy See, his research activities are related to the discussion on the role of missionaries in the same period. The other two, on the other hand, have to do more specifically to Japanese contexts, i.e. the growing interest toward local history in Oita society, and, on a national level, the popularity of the studies on early Christianity in Japan during the Showa period. This paper focusses on the first of these contexts: the reshaping of missionary image within the Catholic church at the time. Preliminarily, I will show how Marega's achievements in historical research were appreciated by the Salesian Order. Then, to better understand this appreciation, an organized picture of his scholarly as well as intellectual interests will be presented. Lastly, I will attempt to find connections between Marega's historical research and the image of missionary work put on show by the Vatican Missionary Exposition of 1925.}, pages = {131--146}, title = {《特集・マレガ文書の魅力を探る ―マレガ神父・キリシタン統制・村社会―》 マリオ・マレガの執筆活動とその「文脈」}, volume = {49}, year = {2018}, yomi = {シルヴィオ, ヴィータ} }