@inproceedings{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004030, author = {モフロワ, ヤニック and MAUFROID, Yannick}, book = {第42回 国際日本文学研究集会会議録, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 42nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE LITERATURE}, issue = {42}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, “Shi no toge ” (The Sting of Death), written from 1960 to 1976, in which Shimao Toshio depicts the outbreak of the mental illness of his wife Miho and the subsequent familial crisis, is the author’s most famous work. While it has been widely praised as one of the most important novels of Japanese postwar literature, studies of its narrative composition are still relatively scarce. One of the reasons may be Shimao’s image as a writer with a reluctance for novel composition, aiming at simply recording reality as it is. The fact that Shimao values the method of the I-novel and the faithful recording of reality cannot be denied. However, when all the multi-dimensional aspects of his work are taken into account, approaches based on biography or psychology, long-favored by critics, become less satisfying. In this presentation, following recent research problematizing the meaning of the novel, I intend to reflect on the narrative structure of “Shi no toge” through the study of the fourth chapter “Hi wa hi ni” (Day After Day). Since 2015 the manuscripts of “Shi no toge” and various private archives have been made available to the public by the Kagoshima City Modern Literature Museum, opening new perspectives for researchers. At a whole, the analysis of the documents clearly paints the picture of an unstable process of composition, in contrast with the impression of extreme continuity that the novel aims to give. Most notably, the fourth chapter, “Hi wa hi ni”, has no less than seven different preliminary drafts, with great variations in both form and content between each version. Written at a time when Shimao hesitated to turn “Shi no toge” into the story of a decisive transformation from familial crisis to resurrection, this chapter seems to reflect the writer’s own doubts towards the direction of his novel. Throughout the analysis of the various versions of “Hi wa hi ni”, this presentation aims at showing that the construction of this specific chapter can be interpreted as the start of the renouncement to the narrative of “resurrection” or “departure”, and also that in this operation Shimao set the meaning not only of his novel, but of his whole literature.}, pages = {116--102}, publisher = {人間文化研究機構 国文学研究資料館}, title = {研究発表 鳥尾敏雄『死の棘』の構成の一面――草稿から作品への第四章「日は日に」の作成過程}, year = {2019}, yomi = {モフロワ, ヤニック and モフロワ, ヤニック} }