@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004092, author = {神作, 研一 and KANSAKU, Ken'ichi}, issue = {46}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇, The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, For waka poetry collections (kasho歌書), hand-copied manuscripts have traditionally been considered the most valuable and prestigious. On the other hand, printed books of kasho have been considered as just “widespread editions” and have never surpassed the quality and historical significance of actual manuscripts. However, printed books of kasho played a major role in establishing the foundation of intellect for a variety of classes of people. While literature scholars have accumulated information about printed books of Japanese literary classics, like Kokin wakashū 古今和歌集, or Hyakunin isshu百人一首, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the characteristics, trends, developments and vicissitudes of the entity of the printed books of kasho. In this study, the transition of the printed books of kasho will be analyzed from four aspects such as the “Kan’ei era”, “fundamental books”, “bookbinding and format”, and “shapes and sizes of the books”, and the role that printed books of kasho played will be considered. *This study is a translated version of KANSAKU Ken-ichi’s 神作研一 “Kasho no hensen: Edo zenki wo chūshin ni” 歌書の変遷—江戸前期を中心に —, in Kinsei wakashi no kenkyū 近世和歌史の研究. Tokyo: Kadokawa Gakugei Shuppan. 2013.}, pages = {11--46}, title = {Transition of Kasho Focusing on the Early Edo Period}, year = {2020}, yomi = {カンサク, ケンイチ} }