@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000434, author = {小峯, 和明 and KOMINE, Kazuaki}, issue = {14}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {安居院流の唱導書の一である国文学研究資料館蔵『澄印草等』(鎌倉写)の紹介と翻刻。内容は安芸前司義盛逆修表白と養和二年二月の仁和寺宮五部大乗経供養(法会次第・表白)とからなる。前者は転法輪鈔(十二)密教上の一部に合致。台密の教義にもとづき、法華経と大日如来・両界曼陀羅との顕密不二を説く。後者は後白河院と守覚法親王が覚性法親王の菩提供養を仁和寺大聖院で行ったもの。吉記・玉葉によれば、講師は澄憲であり、この表白が彼の手になることが証明される。表白は対句の修辞を駆使した力作であり、院政期の法会文学として貴重であるばかりでなく、中世の文体形成の礎としても注目される資料である。 This is an introduction and a reprint of “Choin soto”(澄印草等)(reprinted in the Kamakura period) which is one of books of Agui school sermon stored in National Institute of Japanese literature. The contents consists of Hyobyaku (supplications) of gyakushu (holding a memorial service prior to one’s death) of Yoshimori, the former official of Aki Province and five teachings of Mahayana Buddhism memorial service in Ninnajinomiya (programs for the Buddhist mass・hyobyaku) in February, 1182. The former is equal to a part of “Tenborinsho”(転法輪鈔)(12) in esoteric Buddhism. Based on a doctrine of the esoteric Buddhism of the Tendai sect, it preached the nonduality of Kenmitsu between the Lotus Sutra and Dainichi Nyorai・Ryokai Mandara. Contents of the latter one is that Goshirakawa-in and Shukaku houshinno held a memorial service for Kakushohoushinno in Ninna-ji sanctuary. According to Kikki(吉記)・Gyokuyo(玉葉), a lecturer was Choken. It is proved that he wrote this hyobyaku. It is the masterpiece which made full use of the rhetoric of the couplet, and it is not only valuables as Buddhist ceremony literature of the Insei period, but also is the material which attracts attention as a foundation of the writing style formation of the Middle Ages.}, pages = {31--62}, title = {『澄印草等』について ―付・翻刻―}, year = {1988}, yomi = {コミネ, カズアキ} }