@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000530, author = {山崎, 誠 and YAMAZAKI, Makoto}, issue = {21}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {源為憲が藤原為光息誠信(松雄君)のために撰述したと云われる口遊は、岡田希雄「口遊は省略本か」(『国語国文』六巻九号)以来、その内容に省略があるとの疑問が提示されたが、書写の際の不注意等による部分的脱落はあるものの、抄略本と認定することはできない。本稿はそのことを骨子として論証するとともに、従来殆ど無視され続けているが、古代貴族必携の百科便覧として、あまたの文化史上の貴重な資料を豊富に含む書物であることを指摘する。  It was said that regarding “Kuchizusami”(口遊)which was selected by Minamoto no Tamemori for son of Fujiwara no Tamemitsu,Sanenobu(Matsuo-gimi), a question that the contents had omissions was shown since “Is Kuchizusami a book with omitted contents?” (“Kokugokokubun”(国語国文)Vol.6, No.9) was published. There were partial lacunas from carelessness when it was copied, however it is not capable of being certified as a Shoryaku-bon(抄略本). This article proved it as the main point and it is also pointed that even though it has been almost ignored, the book includes great number of historically and culturally valuable documents as a must have encyclopedia reference manual for ancient nobles.}, pages = {107--149}, title = {口遊の原初形態に関する一考察}, year = {1995}, yomi = {ヤマザキ, マコト} }