@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000532, author = {樹下, 文隆 and KINOSHITA, Fumitaka}, issue = {21}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {寛文九年正月二十九日に催された次期萩藩主である元千代(毛利吉就)の誕生祝儀能の番組を手がかりに、寛文期を中心とした萩藩能役者の動向を紹介する。あわせて、寅菊・春日・春藤という中世末から近世初期に活躍する能役者の一群が、関ケ原合戦以前から毛利家と深くかかわっていたことを明らかにし、その背後に毛利家と関係の深い本願寺の存在を指摘する。  A Noh program of a celebration on the birthday held on Jan 29,1669, for Motochiyo(Mori Yoshinari) who was the next feudal lord of Hagi with this clue to go on, the trend of the Noh actors in Hagi-han mainly in the Kanbun period is showed. Also Toragiku, Kasuga, Shundo, a group of Noh actors who were active from the end of mediaeval times to the early modern times associated with Mori family deeply before the battle of Sekigahara was also made clear. The existence of Honganji which had close relationship with Mori family behind the scenes was pointed.}, pages = {187--212}, title = {寛文期の萩藩能役者 ―一つの演能記録から―}, year = {1995}, yomi = {キノシタ, フミタカ} }