@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000542, author = {藤原, 鎭男 and 立川, 美彦 and HUJIWARA, Shizuo and TACHIKAWA, Yoshihiko}, issue = {22}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, TheBulletin of National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {十種の千句連歌の表八句、全八百句について、その語彙の出現頻度を調べた。その結果、全語彙が、頻度に関する自然界の法則である「対数則」に従うこと、また、「普遍性」に勝るものと「個別性」に勝るものとに大別され得ることを知った。さらに、全語彙を「語彙の三態」即ち主体的、客体的、規約的の三群に分類し、各群について頻度を調べたところ、ここにも普遍性と個別性の別のあることが見出された。以上の結果を表八句に照合すると、作句の実際に普遍性と個別性が投影されており、連歌の美の追求が自然則の獲得を指向することが窺われる。  Regarding omotehachiku(表八句),10 types of senku-renga(1,000 ku written successively), in total 800 ku(句)the appearance frequency was investigated. After that, all words follow ”Logarithmic law” that is the law of nature about the frequency and it is possible to be classified into types superior to the “Universality” or “Individuality” was known. Moreover, it was examined that the appearance frequency of each groups classifying all words in three groups, that is to say, subject, object, regulation, the distinction of Universality and Individuality were also found here. When those results were collated with omotehachiku, Universality and Individuality of composing Haiku were reflected actually and pursuing beauty of renga points to acquire the law of nature.}, pages = {213--262}, title = {連歌の語彙にみる普遍性と個別性}, year = {1996}, yomi = {フジワラ, シズオ and タチカワ, ヨシヒコ} }