@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000603, author = {中野, 真麻理 and NAKANO, Maori}, issue = {25}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of TheNational Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 叡山文庫天海蔵に蔵される『一乗拾玉抄』は、長享二年(一四八八)の成立、中世法華経注釈書の中でも初期に成立し、多数の説話や和歌が含まれている。簡単な書誌とともにその巻一を翻刻する。  “Ichijo Shugyoku-sho” (一乗拾玉抄)which belongs to Hieizan-bunko Tenkai-zo completed in 1488, established in commentaries for   Hokkekyo sutra early in the Middle ages, included many narrations and waka in there. Vol.1 with a simple bibliography was reprinted.}, pages = {83--195}, title = {叡山文庫天海蔵『一乗拾玉抄』(巻一)翻刻}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ナカノ, マオリ} }