@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000614, author = {中野, 真麻理 and NAKANO, Maori}, issue = {26}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 昔話「笠地蔵」は日本全国に伝承されており、その広範な流布は、同話の歴史的古さを思わせる。仏像に笠を被せたことに依って善報を得たと語る類話は、覚鑁の『打聞集』や『元亨釈書』『諸国一見聖物語』『延命地蔵菩薩直談鈔』のほか、尾張国天林山笠覆寺、上総国大悲山笠森寺の縁起等々に散見する。なぜ、これ程までに「笠」が頻出するのだろうか。仏像に奉られた「笠」の象徴性を考察し、「笠地蔵」「笠観音」の源流について推測する。 The old tale “Kasajizo”(笠地蔵)is transmitted all over Japan. Its wide-ranging spread gives us historic oldness of this story. The similar one which tells that someone got recompenses by putting a “Kasa” (cap) on a Buddha statue’s head occurs in Kakuban’s “Dabun-shu”(打聞集),“Genkoshakusho”(元享釈書)“Shokoku-kenseimonogatari”(諸国一見聖物語),“Enmeijizobosatu-jikidansho”(延命地蔵菩薩直談鈔) and also “Owarinokuni-tenrinzan-ryufukuji”, “Kazusanokuni-daihisan-kasamori-no-engi”. Why does “Kasa” appear frequently like this? This paper considers the symbolism of “Kasa” presented to a Buddha statue and deduce regarding a source of “Kasajizo” and “Kasakannon”.}, pages = {223--251}, title = {笠地蔵譚}, year = {2000}, yomi = {ナカノ, マオリ} }