@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000642, author = {堀川, 貴司 and HORIKAWA, Takashi}, issue = {29}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature}, month = {Feb}, note = {pdf, 平安鎌倉期の漢詩作品を取り巻く状況を考察する一環として、詩懐紙について、その作法、特に詩本文の書様を概観する。鎌倉前中期に次第に六行三字に統一されていくこと、南北朝期を境に七言律詩から七言絶句に変わり、三行三字に書かれることを、懐紙の遺例や記録に書き留められた例、作詩作法書などに基づいて確認し、「文書」としての機能についても考える。 As a part to consider the situation surrounding Chinese poetries in Heian-Kamakura period, A survey of the system of versification, especially the way of writing of the text about Shi-kaishi was made. The way have been united to 6 lines and 3 characters during the early to middle Kamakura period and it was changed from Shichigon-risshi(七言律詩) to Shichigon-zekku(七言絶句) with 3 lines and 3 characters were confirmed based on the example which was written down in historic evidence and record or words courtesy books, then the function as ‘Documents’ is also considered.}, pages = {37--52}, title = {詩懐紙について}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ホリカワ, タカシ} }