@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000693, author = {鈴木, 一正 and SUZUKI, Kazumasa}, issue = {31}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, National Institure of Japanese Literature}, month = {Feb}, note = {pdf, 本目録は、高知出身で明治期に活躍した評論家・中国文学者・ジャーナリストの田岡嶺雲(一八七○~一九一二)の参考文献目録の〝戦後編〟である。収録期間は、昭和二十一年から平成十五年までの五十八年分で、「単行本」「新聞・雑誌・単行本等所収論文」の二つに分け、発行順に並べたものである。 これまで田岡嶺雲の参考文献目録はいくつか作成されているが(付記参照)、網羅的なものはほとんどなかった。本目録では、先行の参考文献目録に未収載の文献を大幅に加えるとともに、なるべく現物を確認し、正確を期すことにした。また、先行目録が省略した巻号や副題を加え、単行本収録の情報も付加した。 This list is the “Postwar edition” of the bibliography of Taoka Reiun (1870-1912), who was a critic, a scholar of Chinese literature and a journalist from Kochi Prefecture who flourished in the Meiji era. The period covered in this list is 58 years from 1946 to 2003. The bibliography is divided into two sections with “books” and “articles published in newspapers or magazines” listed in order of publication. Although there has been a number of bibliographies of Taoka Reiun compiled in the past (refer to the end of the book), there were almost none that were comprehensive or up to date. In this list, we added a significant number of literary documents to the existing bibliography while making efforts to make it accurate by ascertaining the actual documents where possible. Further, we added volume numbers or subtitles that the existing bibliographies had omitted as well as information that had been included in original books.}, pages = {319--349}, title = {田岡嶺雲参考文献目録 ―昭和二十一年~平成十五年―}, year = {2005}, yomi = {スズキ, カズマサ} }