@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000736, author = {小林, 健二 and KOBAYASHI, Kenji}, issue = {36}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, National Institure of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, バーク・コレクション蔵「鉢かづき物語」は、数多く伝存する「鉢かづき」諸本の中で、I類本の御巫本系の構造を持ちながら、本文はⅡ類本の御伽文庫本など流布本系との混態をなす、特異な伝本である。「鉢かづき」の流布を考える上で重要な一本と思われるので、ここに翻刻・解題を添えて紹介する。 Hachikazuki monogatari of the Mary and Jackson Burke Collection is one of the numerous copies of Hachikazuki monogatari. It is very important in terms of its unique characteristic: the structure belongs to a Mikanagi lineage of the category land the text belongs to a Rufubon lineage, e.g. Otogi Paperback of the category II. In this paper I would like to introduce are publication (a version transcribed into modern Japanese) and a bibliography of Hachikazuki monogatari of the Mary and Jackson Burke Collection and thus focus on circulation of the work.}, pages = {130--152}, title = {バーク・コレクション蔵「鉢かづき物語」 ―翻刻と解題―}, year = {2010}, yomi = {コバヤシ, ケンジ} }