@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000827, author = {青木, 睦 and AOKI, Mutsumi}, issue = {09}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 本稿では、国文学研究資料館が関わった大津波被害の歴史文化情報資源のレスキューの事例を中心に報告する。加えて、文化庁「東北地方太平洋沖地震被災文化財等救援事業(文化財レスキュー事業)」や全国的規模での大学・研究機関、博物館・図書館・アーカイブズ、文化財関係行政機関等が連携してどのように歴史・文化等の情報資源を救助・復旧活動を行ってきたか、また、研究教育文化行政、公文書管理行政の課題や全国規模で人間文化研究に関わる歴史・文化等の情報資源をどのように蓄積・保存すべきかについて検討する。 本稿においては、これまでの活動について、釜石市を中心とした被災自治体の被災状況とレスキュー事例、東日本大震災における文化財等のレスキュー概要、民間所在アーカイブズの被災と救助の概況について報告する。最後に、被災アーカイブズの科学的分析と保存の課題、今後の被災資料の復旧支援とその課題をまとめて提案したい。 The Great East Japan Earthquake was a disaster unprecedented in a number of ways: it not only affected extensive areas, causing enormous damages, but also mushroomed into a nuclear crisis at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. It was not like anything Japanese history has ever witnessed. A considerable damage was also affected on historical and cultural heritage in East Japan, passed on from the early times, without interruptions. In this talk, I will focus on efforts I was involved in to recover historical/cultural resources affected by the tsunami. I will also talk about (1) a governmental program (known as ‘Cultural Property Rescue Program') led by Japan's Agency of Cultural Affairs (Bunka-cho),to recover cultural treasures, and (2) how various organizations such as universities, museums, libraries, archives, governmental agencies, etc., worked together to retrieve and restore historical/cultural resources. Among other topics I might touch on are what we need to do at a national level, to collect and preserve resources related to humanities research, and problems with public policies on education, culture, and research, and on archive management.}, pages = {3--42}, title = {東日本大震災における被災文書の救助・復旧活動}, year = {2013}, yomi = {アオキ, ムツミ} }