@article{oai:kokubunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000967, author = {江戸, 英雄 and EDO, Hideo}, issue = {41}, journal = {国文学研究資料館紀要, National Institure of Japanese Literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 『源氏物語』「若菜上下」の巻より、紫の上と光源氏にかかる問題、特に、紫の上が「かうおほぞうの住まひならで、のどやかに行ひをも」と考えて光源氏の六条院を去り、出家しようとしたことを取りあげた。『うつほ物語』『紫式部日記』などにみえる理想的な里邸と比較すると、明石の女御の里邸としてみた六条院春の町は、内容上問題を有していると思われる。ここでは、紫の上の六条院でのありようを検討し、同じく「おほぞうの住まひ」を案じた明石の君の場合に照らすなどして語句の位相を明らかにし、紫の上の「出家」を改めて意義づけた。結果、(1)『うつほ物語』から『源氏物語』へ引き継がれる文学史上のテーマ、(2)「おほぞうの住まひ」「みづからの祈り」などの解釈、(3)紫の上が六条院から退場するにあたって意識した「あぢきな」きこと、すなわち不条理の由来、(4)宇治十帖への発展的問題について明らかにし、新見を示した。 I bring the matter up for discussion of Wakana vol. in the Tale of Genji. It is an important decision that might affect the future of Princess Murasaki-no-ue and Prince Hikaru-genji, why she wished that she could go away from the temporary life in the Rokujo Palace to become a nun practicing austerities without suffering. I compared the Rokujo Palace with the Ichijo residence in which Fujiwara Kanemasa’s wives lived and the Sanjo residence in which Minamoto Masayori’s family lived, these residences were written in the Tale of Utsuho, so that Princess Murasaki-no-ue’s consideration for Prince Hikaru-genji could make it possible to be the respectable and comfortable villa where their daughter Empress Akashi lived within her means. When the Third Princess was married to Prince Hikaru-genji and lived in the Rokujo Palace, Princess Murasaki-no-ue was surprised at his marriage and thought that she could do nothing but gave it up. However, she was at pains to get along well with her family in the Rokujo Palace, even though he had an affair with Princess Oborodukiyo. The reason why Princess Murasaki-no-ue left the Rokujo Palace, was the absurdity in the extraordinary life for the ideal type of the old tale.}, pages = {79--109}, title = {紫の上と光源氏―『源氏物語』「若菜上下」の巻より―}, year = {2015}, yomi = {エド, ヒデオ} }